An excerpt from my prayer journal

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An excerpt from my prayer journal

Use me. Guide me. Fill me. 

Let your light shine through me, Lord. Be in my marriage. Be in my finances. Be in my parenting. Be in my business. BE IN ME.  It's in your name, I pray, Jesus. Amen

Some think we have to have these super long overly complicated prayers to talk to God. I disagree. My prayers and conversations with God are nothing fancy. The prayer above is something that I have written over & over in my prayer journal and said out loud more times than I can count. My heart's desire is to be less of me and more of Him. 

Scribbled at the end of the page that day I had written out this bible verse:

John 3:30 He must become greater, I must become less. 

It's hard, isn't it? We can get so caught up in our life that we lose sight over what really matters. The truth is that we are here for a purpose and that purpose is to shine the light of Jesus and help others know Him. As we head into this holiday season, I pray that you will remember to not get caught up in all the chaos the holidays can bring. Instead, I pray you will be present where your feet are, feel His presence, and let your light shine so others can see Him too. 

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