Courage over Confidence

circle the wagon community challenge dreamers faith goal setting intentional living

When was the last time you tried something new? For me, personally, this is something I’ve been working on for years. I’m constantly pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone and do new things.

As Jennifer Allwood likes to say, "Fear is not the boss of me."

It’s not the boss of you either, friend. 

I’m not going to go through all the reasons why we need to leave our comfort zones… I did that last month. You can revisit those blog posts anytime. Instead, I want to tell you a story of a girl who had no idea what she was capable of until she started with these little adventures of trying something new. 

That girl is me. I've lived the last twelve years challenging myself to try new things and leave my comfort zone. 

From learning how to do direct sales well to choosing to try a new hairstyle, all the way to starting a podcast and letting go of the direct sales business I built to go all in on helping other women through coaching, I've allowed myself to be vulnerable and courageous to do something new. 

It hasn't been easy. In fact, it has been hard. Those who knew me twenty years ago can barely recognize the woman I am today. I'm no longer the insecure scared girl who was afraid of being seen. I no longer hide behind my more confident friends and let them speak for me. I choose to show up, use my voice, do the work, and live the life God called me to. And, while I'm more confident than I have ever been, there are days when courage is the only thing helping me show up. Courage comes before confidence. Courage is allowing yourself to be humble, trusting God, and doing the things with conviction because you trust in the One who created you and believe in something greater. 


 James 4:10 says Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. Trust in Him. He will build your confidence when you are courageous enough to give Him the opportunity to show you what He can do!

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Disclaimer: Occasionally, I will share products I'm an affiliate for.  If you purchase from it, I will make a small percentage for sharing at no cost to you. I keep it real and would NEVER suggest anything I wouldn't want to 100% stand behind.
Melissa Batt: Faith Life Business Subscribe

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