Do you have people you can count on in your life?

coping with depression depression intentional living kingdom work life hack motherhood

Isolation, loneliness, and disconnection

Have you ever felt that? Sometimes we do it to self-protect. Other times it just happens. 

We do it within our community and sometimes we do it with our relationship with God.

But, know this. Even when you don't feel it, you belong. Our need and longing for connection was created within us.  We were created for community & to be in relationship with others.

If you have pulled back and don't have a community, I want to encourage you to allow yourself to become vulnerable and find your people. They are there. You need them and they need you. It doesn't have to be a large group. 

It's time to become more intentional in your relationships? As you lean in to your faith, and walking in God's will, you must circle the wagon. Finding your people is a crucial piece. Don't discount it. 

But warning: Your tribe shouldn't & doesn't replace your need for Jesus. We should always put Jesus OVER TRIBE. {And, real talk, this stings a bit for me because I have definitely been guilty.} 

Here's a scenario I've found myself in over & over: 

Overwhelmed and struggling, before I even thought about praying about it, I turned to my friends.

{I'm not talking about being too weak to pray for myself. That has happened and in those moments I'm thankful for my friends who can pray when I'm too weak to do it.} 

I'm talking about totally neglecting my prayer life and not even considering prayer as an option because my friends 'appear' to be what I need. 

Ephesians Ch 3 vs 14-19

For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing in his flesh the law with us. 

So, now, the question... Do you struggle with keeping yourself isolated and alone? Or maybe the complete opposite and struggle with putting your people in front of Jesus? 

I have a ton more to share on this topic but I'll save it for another day. 

And, like I always say... The first step is recognizing the problem. The second is to be willing to do something about it. Make a decision to become intentional in your relationships. 

XO Melissa 

P.S.S.  For more ideas and encouragement, join us. You don't have to do it alone ->Real Talk Tribe free community

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