Mean girls, listen up! Acknowledging insecurities and sharing it all with you.

coping with depression generalized anxiety disorder insecurities intentional living life hack making an impact perfection self-sabotage your purpose
Woman with hands on face

Are you holding yourself back from your true potential? So many of us fall prey to these misconceptions and most of us do it without even realizing it.

Misconception #1 - You have to be perfect to succeed.
Misconception #2 - Someone else can do it better than you.
Misconception #3 - Success means never feeling self-doubt.

But the truth is, you don't have to be perfect, there is room for you even when others are also doing it, and self-doubt is 100% normal. As a Christian Life & Business Coach for women & direct sellers, I'm here to share with you the real truth - and help you silence your inner mean girl once and for all.

Challenge yourself to:

  • Silence your inner critic and transform your mindset by reversing negative thoughts aka FLIP THE SCRIPT.
  • Own your quirks and insecurities as tools to connect you to others and remain relatable
  • Trust God to use all of you- the good, the bad, the ugly!


Your purpose and plan has the power to impact more than just yourself. It isn't about you.


Other tips to overcome self-sabotage:

  • Consider hiring a coach for personalized and focused accountability to help you reach your goals.
  • Cut out Bible verses related to your insecurities and post them in visible places as reminders of God's love and purpose for you.
  • Call out your insecurities and address them if you feel shame around them. The enemy can't use what you bring into the light.
  • Speak out about the things that the devil wants to keep you silent in and acknowledge the elephants.
  • Join the Success Lounge for access to masterclasses and community support.
  • Follow Melissa Batt Coaching on Instagram for daily inspiration and tips.

Giving Yourself Permission to Be You

Embracing our true selves, quirks, and all, is essential for personal growth and achieving true sustainable success. By giving ourselves permission to be authentic and unique, we can harness our individual strengths and stand out in the crowd. I have gone on my own personal journey to self-acceptance and want you to do the same. In doing so, we can channel our unique abilities to truly live in the purpose God has for us and create a massive impact.



Want more on this topic? Tune in to episode 27 of Priorities on Purpose, where I share it all about acknowledging our insecurities.

Want more tips on overcoming self-sabotage? Click here for my free guide to Silence Your Inner Mean Girl, 3 ways you are getting your own way & Bible verses on to help you flip the script!

Purchase the ON DEMAND Bootcamp and get all 4 days: Click here


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Coaching women in life and business is my passion! I'd love to offer you a free consult to see if working together could be beneficial for you. You don't have to know what you need help with, you just have to book the call. It takes courage. Just DO IT.

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