Can you commit to a Spend Less Challenge?

circle the wagon coping with depression goal setting good habits intentional living life hack motherhood

This month is all about spending less and being intentional with our money. 

Can you commit to a SPEND LESS challenge? 

What it looks like: 

Choose at  least 1 week out of the month and commit to buying nothing but the true essentials. This means no fast food, no Target dollar bins, and no online shopping when you are stressed or bored. 

The goal: To become disciplined, spend less, curve bad behaviors and save money. 

You determine your rules and definition of what is considered essential. 

It may be less grocery trips, using what you have in your pantry & freezer, and finding free activities for entertainment. 

Tips to do this well: 

  1. Set your rules for yourself ahead of time
  2. Include all family members
  3. Set up accountability by sharing the goal publicly
  4. Create boundaries to help you stick to the plan. (EX: Stay out of Target.) 
  5. Think outside the box. Get creative & have fun. 
  6. Have a plan

We all spend money for different reasons, right? I don’t know about you but I know I shop when I’m bored and when I’m stressed. These are both behaviors that do not serve me well. I also spend a ton more when I’m flying by the seat of my pants. 

In the moment, flying by the seat of my pants seems like I'm living my best life. And, deep down, I know it has a lot to do with my love to avoid the things that make me uncomfortable, like planning or conflict. 

Truth: It seems like I’m living my best life but it definitely isn't! It is sabotaging my future and leads to a ton of unnecessary spending.  I’m the girl who can run into the gas station during a road trip with the family and spend over $45 on junk without even getting gas for my vehicle. 

Are you ready to join me for this spend less challenge? At the end of the month we can look back and examine what went well and which areas still need a little improvement. 

XO, Melissa  

P.S. For more ideas and encouragement, join us. You don't have to do it alone ->Real Talk Tribe free community

Link to set up a call: Schedule Call Today

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Disclaimer: Occasionally, I will share products I'm an affiliate for.  If you purchase from it, I will make a small percentage for sharing at no cost to you. I keep it real and would NEVER suggest anything I wouldn't want to 100% stand behind.
Melissa Batt: Faith Life Business Subscribe

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