Unmasking your emotions: When you feel numb and don't know how to feel

christian life coaching faith intentional living
person writing with words how to stop numbing out and what to do instead


Have you ever felt yourself numbing out your emotions? If you have, then my podcast episode 47 is for you. I read through a journal entry of mine and talked about:

  • Exploring the profound impact of embracing God's renewal in your life.

  • Understanding the importance of fostering a healthy soul for overall well-being.

  • Discovering the strength found in genuine emotional honesty

  • Recognizing the value of consistent introspection and reflection

  • Embracing the revolutionary change faith and a relationship with Jesus can bring to our lives.


Faith doesn't mean we limit our emotions to only good emotions. Negative emotions does not mean self-pity, and positive emotions does not mean strong faith. - Dr. Alicia Britt Chole author of The Night is Normal


Fostering a Healthy Soul

Cultivating a healthy soul goes beyond mere physical wellness; it also involves spiritual well-being. Consistent self-evaluation helps in identifying the cultural influences that might be undermining the health of our souls. It is crucial to prioritize personal well-being, regular self-checks, and authentic personal development, which ultimately leads to spiritual growth.


Resource I Highly Recommend:

Check out Lisa Whittle's book Jesus Over Everything - This book has had a significant impact on my life and I highly recommend it. You can find it at all major book retailers such as Amazon.


Take action:
  • Journaling to God - If you struggle with processing your thoughts and emotions, I encourage you to start journaling to God. It can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and connecting with Him on a deeper level. Find a journal or notebook that you resonate with, and start writing out your prayers, thoughts, and struggles.

  • Read and reflect on Isaiah 43 - Write down any insights or reflections that come to mind.

  • Practice emotional honesty - Be honest with yourself and acknowledge where you really are. Avoiding only delays progress.


Whether you are looking for a life coach or a faith mentor make no mistake, my mission is to help you gain more peace and thrive in life. Book a consult and let's chat: https://calendly.com/melissabattcoaching/30min




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